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Navigating Modernity: Egyptian Habits and Customs in Marriage and Relationships by M. Zayed

Navigating Modernity: Egyptian Habits and Customs in Marriage and Relationships

In the vibrant tapestry of Egyptian culture, traditions and customs continue to weave through the fabric of everyday life, shaping the dynamics of marriage and relationships in modern Egypt. Rooted in a rich history that spans millennia, these customs blend seamlessly with the influences of contemporary society, creating a unique mosaic of values and practices. Here, we delve into the nuances of Egyptian habits and customs concerning marriage and relationships, exploring how they have evolved in the modern era.

1. Arranged Marriages vs. Love Marriages:

Traditionally, arranged marriages were common in Egypt, where families played a significant role in matchmaking. However, with the advent of urbanization, education, and globalization, the trend has shifted towards love marriages. While arranged marriages still occur, especially in rural areas and conservative families, many Egyptians now choose their partners based on mutual affection and compatibility.

 2. Family Dynamics:

Family holds paramount importance in Egyptian society, and this is reflected in marriage and relationship dynamics. Marriage is not solely a union between two individuals but between two families, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and support. Extended families often live together or in close proximity, providing a robust network of social and emotional support.

 3. Engagement and Marriage Ceremonies:

Engagement ceremonies, known as "Khutubah," mark the official agreement between the families of the bride and groom. This is followed by the "Katb el-Kitab" or the marriage contract, where the couple signs legal documents in the presence of witnesses and an official religious figure. The ceremony is typically accompanied by festive celebrations, music, and traditional rituals, symbolizing the union of two families.

4. Gender Roles and Expectations:

While Egypt has made strides towards gender equality, traditional gender roles still persist in many aspects of life, including marriage and relationships. Men are often seen as providers and protectors, while women are expected to manage the household and care for children. However, with increasing opportunities for women in education and the workforce, these roles are gradually evolving, leading to more egalitarian partnerships.

5. Religious Influence:

Religion plays a significant role in shaping marital customs and practices in Egypt, where the majority of the population is Muslim. Islamic principles guide many aspects of marriage, from the process of matchmaking to the rights and responsibilities of spouses. However, interpretations of religious teachings vary, leading to a diversity of practices among different communities and individuals.

6. Changing Perspectives on Divorce:

Divorce was once taboo in Egyptian society, viewed as a failure and stigmatized by social norms. However, attitudes towards divorce have become more lenient in recent years, especially among the younger generation. Economic independence, women's rights advocacy, and shifting cultural norms have contributed to a greater acceptance of divorce as a viable option in unhappy or dysfunctional marriages.

7. Influence of Modernization and Globalization:

The advent of modern technology, social media, and mass media has had a profound impact on Egyptian relationships and marriage customs. Dating apps, online matrimonial websites, and exposure to Western ideals of romance have influenced how young Egyptians perceive courtship and marriage. While some embrace these changes, others remain rooted in traditional values, leading to a complex interplay between old and new customs.

8. Views on Sex Outside Marriage:

In Egyptian society, attitudes towards sex outside of marriage are heavily influenced by religious teachings and social codes. Islam prohibits premarital and extramarital relations, emphasizing chastity and modesty. Consequently, engaging in sexual activity outside the bounds of marriage is often perceived as taboo and morally unacceptable. Social codes further reinforce these beliefs, with conservative norms dictating that sexual intimacy should be reserved for the confines of marriage.

9. The Proposal Process:

In Egypt, the act of proposing marriage is steeped in tradition and formalities both for arranged marriages as well as love marriages, embodying respect for familial bonds and cultural customs. When a suitor decides to propose to a woman, he typically approaches her father or male guardian (e.g. a father-in-law, an uncle, a big brother, etc.) to formally request her hand in marriage. This symbolic gesture signifies reverence for the family's authority and seeks their blessing for the union. Once the proposal is accepted, the couple proceeds to perform "Qiraat Fathah," a recitation of verses from the Quran (Surat al-Fatihah Verse) to seek divine blessings for their future together. Following this, the suitor presents the "Shabka," a set of golden jewelry that serves as an engagement gift and symbolizes his commitment to providing for the bride-to-be. The exchange of Shabka solidifies the engagement agreement and marks the beginning of the formal engagement period. Subsequently, a celebratory event known as "Khutuba" is organized to announce the engagement officially, bringing together family and friends to rejoice in the impending union.

10. Premarriage Arrangements:

a) **Marital Home:** In Egyptian culture, the establishment of a marital home holds significant importance. Unlike Western customs where couples may cohabit before marriage, it is expected that the husband-to-be provides a proper dwelling for the newlywed couple. This underscores the traditional role of the husband as a provider and ensures the foundation of a stable family life.

b) **The Bride-to-Be's "Shewar":** Alongside the provision of a marital home by the husband-to-be, the bride-to-be contributes to the household through her "shewar" or "Shewar al-Arusa." This encompasses kitchen equipment, appliances, bedding, embroidery, and sheets, symbolizing her readiness to fulfill domestic responsibilities and contribute to the household's comfort and well-being.

c) **Recording "Al-Ayma":** "Al-Ayma," or the record of items acquired for the marital home, serves as a safeguard for the bride's rights. This detailed list documents all purchases and acquisitions made by both the bride and groom, ensuring that in the event of divorce, the bride can maintain her dignity and live decently with the possessions acquired during the marriage.

d) **The "Henna" Night:** A cherished tradition in Egyptian weddings, the "Henna" night, or "lilt-al-henna," is a joyous celebration held at the bride's father's home. This intimate gathering, attended by female members of both families, features singing, dancing, and the application of henna on the bride's hands and feet. It serves as a prelude to the upcoming wedding festivities and strengthens bonds between the bride and her female relatives.

e) **The Official Marriage Registration "Katb el-Kitab":** The culmination of the marriage process is marked by the "Katb el-Kitab," the official marriage registration. Conducted in the presence of witnesses and a religious-official figure, named "Mazun" (marriage registrar). This ceremony formalizes the union between the bride and groom. Following the completion of the marriage contract, the couple proceeds to celebrate with a wedding party, symbolizing the beginning of their life together as a married couple.

In conclusion, Egyptian habits and customs surrounding marriage and relationships are deeply entrenched in tradition while simultaneously adapting to the currents of modernity. As Egypt continues to navigate the complexities of social, economic, and cultural transformation, its rich tapestry of customs will continue to evolve, reflecting the dynamic interplay between heritage and innovation.

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  • "Navigating Modernity: Egyptian Habits and Customs in Marriage and Relationships" by M. Zayed, ZaLingua (mohamedzayedlinguist.com), 2024

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